Best Places to Buy Hair Salon Furniture

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publishing date
December 20, 2022
Written by
Rowena Zaballa

Before opening your hair salon, you need to think about what it should look like. You need to look at different�design styles�before deciding on the one look you want for your hair salon. And to achieve the look you want, you will need hair salon furniture to match it. If you're looking for furniture, we have listed the eight best places to buy them. Plus, here's why you need to plan your space first before buying furniture.

Space Planning Tips for Your Hair Salon

One important aspect of designing your hair salon is planning your space. Even if you have a design style in mind, it's good to visualize what your space should look like first before buying furniture. Here are tips to remember when planning your space:

  • Study the layout of your hair salon
  • Divide sections of the layout for different purposes and functions (e.g., work room, reception, storage)
  • Make space for each piece of furniture
  • Ensure that you take into account columns, windows, lighting, and doors when planning your space
  • Know what finishings work best

Hair Salon Furniture

Before we list the best places to buy furniture, here's a list of furniture you need before opening your hair salon.

  • Styling and barber chairs
  • Lobby chairs
  • Stools
  • Shampoo bars
  • Styling stations
  • Reception chair
  • Reception desk
  • Cabinets

Where to Buy Hair Salon Furniture

1. Comfortel

If you've decided on a design style and need hair salon furniture to match, Comfortel is a go-to place to buy salon furniture. You can choose from modern, boho, coastal, Mediterranean, romantic, and other design styles. But if you're still deciding which one to choose and are browsing online, you'll find all the furniture pieces you'll need to get your hair salon up and running.

2. Kaemark

Do you want to buy from a manufacturer directly? Kaemark is the go-to for hair salon owners to buy their furniture. They have everything you'll need for your hair salon, such as a shampoo bar, mirrors, styling stations, and more! And if you have a custom design in mind, you can rely on Kaemark for tailored hair salon furniture. Plus, they also have a space planning service if you need more help with interior design.

3. Salon Guys

If you want to buy all your furniture and equipment in one place, Salon Guys is one of the best options to shop from. Buying from Salon Guys is also ideal for hair salon owners on a budget since they carry affordable hair salon furniture. Plus, you can buy hair care products from them as well.

4. Salon Smart

Salon Smart is another place to get furniture and equipment for your hair salon or spa. You can save money by buying their packaged offers. Although they have a set package, you can customize it to achieve the look of your hair salon. Aside from furniture, you can also purchase parts, accessories, and reception furniture.

5. Shop Salon City

If you're looking for another online store selling salon furniture, Shop Salon City should be at the top of your list. They have salon and lobby chairs and backwash areas. And if you need equipment, they have hair appliances and supplies for your new hair salon. Plus, if you're on a budget and want to save, they offer wholesale discounts and packages.

6. Collins

Collins is one of the premier brands for hair salon and grooming furniture and equipment. You can buy chairs, stations, shampoo bars, reception desks and chairs, and drying furniture and equipment. Their prices are a little steep, but you can expect high-quality items in their store, but they offer financing options for hair salon owners.

7. Keller

Keller is another site to buy your salon furnishings. With Keller, you can either buy the latest and trendiest salon furniture. Or save some money by browsing their Sale category. The products they carry are a little steeper than the others. However, they offer monthly financing options, making it an easier and lighter way to pay.

8. Garfield Commercial Enterprises

The last site on our list is Garfield Commercial Enterprises. Like others on this list, they offer packages. Plus, they carry branded hair salon furniture. In addition, you can buy parts from them if there's a need for replacement.

Final Thoughts

Once you've finally picked out your furniture, it's time for you to set up your hair salon as you have envisioned. But even with the furniture and supplies all ready, and you're not satisfied with how the space looks, you can come to experts for help. Spencil will help with your interior design needs. You can enlist help from Spencil regarding your space, and they will design one that suits your style. And if you're ready to get a visual of your space, request a quote�here!

About the author
Rowena Zaballa